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It sometimes makes sense to inline your queries instead of collecting them in separate SQL files. PgTyped supports inlined queries using the sql template literal. To see how that works lets write some queries in users/queries.ts:

import { sql } from '@pgtyped/query';
import { ISelectUserIdsQuery } from './queries.types.ts';
export const selectUserIds = sql<
>`select id, age from users where id = $id and age = $age`;

PgTyped parses your TS files, scanning them for sql queries and generating corresponding TS interfaces in users/queries.types.ts:

/** Types generated for queries found in "users/queries.ts" */
/** 'selectUserIds' query type */
export interface ISelectUserIdsQuery {
params: ISelectUserIdsParams;
result: ISelectUserIdsResult;
/** 'selectUserIds' parameters type */
export interface ISelectUserIdsParams {
id: string | null;
age: number | null;
/** 'selectUserIds' return type */
export interface ISelectUserIdsResult {
id: string;
/** Age (in years) */
age: number | null;

We can now pass the ISelectUserIdsQuery as a generic parameter to our query in users/queries.ts:

import { sql } from '@pgtyped/query';
import { ISelectUserIdsQuery } from './queries.types.ts';
export const selectUserIds = sql<
>`select id, age from users where id = $id and age = $age`;
const users = await
id: 'some-user-id',
age: 34,

Note that for the age column in the result PgTyped has also translated a Postgres column comment (COMMENT ON COLUMN) to a TSDoc-style comment. This will appear as a tooltip in your editor if you inspect the relevant property.

For more information on writing queries in TS files checkout the SQL-in-TS guide.